Friday 27 March 2015


Today we completed editing footage of our film opening, The Unhinging.

Here are the final stages we completed today:

We re-watched our film opening,
checking for any areas we wanted to re-do such as the fluidity of the soundtrack

We thought it was appropriate to put a filter on India's flashback scenes.
Also we overlapped each shot of India's flashbacks creating a blurry effect; this was suited to it
as it created a 'hallucinating effect'.

We saved our film opening

We exported it to YouTube

We also finalised the font for the titles of actors and production company names that appear on the shots of our film opening. We wanted the font to appear professional but also suited to the action appearing in the film opening. For example, we would place text in empty areas of the shots such as on a darkly lit brick wall next to India's body. By doing this, the text was easy to read and understand whilst not interfering with the action taking place in the film. 

We also added our distributors company ident, Warp, at the beginning of our film opening.

We also decided that it was appropriate whilst India was running through the woods reaching for her mobile phone to call the police, the words 'dialling 999...' would appear 3 times. We wanted the full stops '...' to appear three times creating a sense of dialling and progression in the phone call. 

I took inspiration from watching this video below. 

1 comment:

  1. A clear link between what you learned from the tutorial on incorporating texts and your own best practice. Consistently high quality work and reflection about the processes.
